About Louper StreamConnect
Louper StreamConnect for Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, and Mac is available on the App Store in all regions and countries. Search "Louper StreamConnect" on the App Store to download it.
Louper StreamConnect is a dedicated app designed for Apple and Mac devices to provide users with an optimized viewing experience of video streams from Louper. It serves as a viewer-centric platform for those who want a dedicated stream-viewing solution.

Key Features
Native Viewing Experience: Offers a clear and focused view of livestreams on Apple and Mac devices.
Second Screen Capability: Can be used in tandem with the Louper web app. For instance, you can view a stream on an Apple TV while using the collaborative features of Louper in the web browser.
What It Isn't
- Not a Full Replacement: StreamConnect is primarily for viewing a stream. The comprehensive collaborative tools, like video conferencing and on-screen drawing, are available only in the Louper web app.
Ideal Use
Use StreamConnect for a dedicated viewing experience on Apple or Mac devices. For the full suite of collaboration tools, continue using the Louper web app in your browser.
Getting started with StreamConnect
📄️ Download Louper StreamConnect for Apple Devices
Louper StreamConnect for Apple TV, iPhone and iPad is available on the App Store in all regions and countries.
📄️ Generate a StreamConnect Code
To connect to a stream, you'll need a valid StreamConnect code. Here's how to generate one:
📄️ Viewing a Stream on Apple TV, iPad, iPhone or Mac
1. Open the StreamConnect app on your Apple TV, iPad, iPhone or Mac.
📄️ Providing Feedback
Your feedback is invaluable to the continuous refinement of Louper StreamConnect. Should you face any challenges or have any suggestions, we're keen to hear.