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Select streaming mode

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The Louper plugin provides three streaming modes, each showing a different view of your Premiere Pro timeline to participants in your Louper room:

Auto Mode​

This mode automatically switches between showing your full Premiere Pro application window (GUI) and the clean, fullscreen output of your program monitor (Program). When playback is paused, or when you're scrubbing, the full application window is shown in your stream. When playback starts, the clean, fullscreen program monitor output of your timeline is shown in your stream.

Program Mode​

This mode shows only the clean, fullscreen output of your program monitor in your stream. Note that if you load a clip into the source monitor, and the source monitor is focused in Premiere Pro, your stream will automatically switch to show the contents of the source monitor. It will switch back to the program monitor output when you focus your timeline or the program monitor.

GUI Mode​

This mode shows only the full Premiere Pro application window. Note that the plugin will automatically select the main Premiere Pro window, so if your Premiere Pro UI has been split into multiple separate panels (across the same or multiple monitors), the plugin will automatically select what it deems to be the most relevant window.


You can change the streaming mode whilst streaming is in progress. This is useful if you want to be locked to a specific mode (like Program) for the first part of your session, and then be locked to another mode (like Auto) for the latter part of your session. Play around with modes to see what suits you and your participants best.