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Invite participants and join room

Click to watch the complete video tutorial with voice over - or continue to the next page for written instructions

Invite participants​

  1. In the dashboard of your Louper account, click the Share button of your room
  2. Copy the room link and room passphrase (if enabled), or click the Copy Invitation button and send it to your participants

Join your room​

  1. In the dashboard of your Louper account, click the Enter button shown at the bottom of your room tile
  2. Allow access to your webcam and mic when prompted, then select your desired webcam and microphone
  3. Click the Go! button

To avoid hearing double audio (from your workstation and the Louper room at the same time), the stream in your Louper room is muted by default for you (the host), but not for your guests. You can hear the audio for your stream inside your room by clicking the unmute button.